Saturday, May 17, 2008

We can't love God without...

Once we enter the marriage relationship we cannot love God without loving our spouses as well.

~ Gary Thomas


Carol said...

When the waters were troubled in our marriage, the thought that kept me going was that I was accountable to God for my commitment to my husband. Somehow I felt that if I failed in my marriage, I would fail God...that I could walk no farther with Him if I left my spouse behind. I needed to think that way, or I would have left many times. And I would have been foolish to do so. The test of time has proven the beauty of marriage.

Robin said...

You have powerful words of wisdom Carol! Thanks for sharing! Hopefully someone who needs encouragement in their marriage will read your words!

I posted about one of Gary Thomas' books at my Reading Room blog. He's tough and challenges his readers to reach for the best within themselves with the power and grace only God can give!